Friday, August 13, 2010

A Beginners Guide to the World of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has taken off and is now accepted in the business world as an viable and safe alternative to the traditional network server and hardware based IT Infrastructure. For some though the terminology can still be overwhelming to the beginner. In simple terms, Cloud Computing means your IT (information technology), your files and applications are stored in the 'cloud', another term for the internet, instead of being on your own network server hardware.

It can be a cheaper option for some businesses as you now no longer need to purchase applications, hard drives or back up disks or software every again. All of your data and files are stored on the 'Cloud' and rented through a cloud hosting provider.

IT as a Service on the Cloud

Moving IT infrastructure to cloud computing sees delivery of IT resources as services incorporating infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS) over the internet. The advantages, beside the cost benefits of not need to constantly upgrade hardware, are that business operations tend to be faster, more flexible and highly efficient.

To access the 'Cloud' and all your data and applications, all you need is a cloud computer called a Notebook or Netbook and an internet connection with a cloud hosting service provider. You do not need expert technology knowledge or cumbersome computer hardware. If you can operate a lap top and a browser you can easily become a user of cloud computing.

A Cloud computing service provider allows for common business applications online, as mentioned above, accessed from a web browser. Business software and data are stored on the servers of your cloud host.

The Benefits of Moving to the Cloud

* Reduction in capital expenditure over the long haul (no need to constantly invest in new infrastructure)
* Increases business operations efficiency

While security and monitoring have been issues in the past with moving to the cloud, much of this is sorted out now with the military and Governments moving off hardware. This move has seen a dramatic maturation of cloud security. Security is becoming less of a problem as more larger companies move their entire IT infrastructure to cloud computing. It is still always a good idea to check with your cloud host or provider, what their back up and security protocols are and be satisfied you data and files will be in safe hands.

Source : Ezinearticles

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