Thursday, July 22, 2010

Type of Monitor

We often call it the monitor or computer display screen. The term monitor usually depicted in a display box that can display anything from the computer. In addition the term is sometimes portrayed monitors to assess the ability of graphics.
There are many ways to classify monitors. But the most frequently used way is by looking at the ability of the resulting color monitor later. Monitor can be divided into three classes, including:

# Monochrome: Monochrome monitors typically display two colors, background color and another one is the foreground color. Colors are black and white, green and black and yellow and black.

# Gray-scale: Gray scale monitor is a special type of monochrome monitor that can display a different shade of purple.

# Color: Color Monitor is a color monitor with a 16 to 1 million different colors. This color monitor is sometimes called RGB monitors because the monitor can receive three different signals, Red (Red), Green (Green) and Blue (Blue).

After knowing the above, the most important aspects of a monitor is the size or we are familiar with the term often screen or the screen size. Like a television, comparing the screen size is the width in inches. The distance between one corner to the opposite corner of the other. In general, the minimum size of a monitor screen is 14 inches, while for 16-inch monitor that size or even more often referred to as a monitor full sail. Also based on size, can also monitor the shape or size portrait is higher than those with wide or in the form of landscape width greater than height. Landscape monitors can display two full pages side by side with each other.

Resolution of the monitor to identify how full the existing pixels, In general, the more pixels (often expressed in dots per inch), the sharper the image can be displayed. Many monitors are now able to display up to 764 pixels 1024, for the use of standard graphics card. Some models have high-end monitors can display 1289 until 1024, until 1200 or even 1600 pixels.
In addition there are several other common ways that can be done to characterize the monitor, which is based on the type of word signal is received by the monitor, whether it is analog or digital. Most monitors currently receive analog signals, which require the use of VGA, SVGA, 8514 / A and some other standard staining resolution.

Few monitor that has a fixed frequency, which means that these monitors will only accept input at only one frequency. Most monitors are "Multiscanning" which means that the monitor is automatically adjusting the frequency of the signal they receive. And it indicates that the monitor can display images with different resolutions, depending on the data they receive from the video adapters.

Some factors affecting the quality of a monitor is as follows:

# Bandwidth: The distance the signal frequency that can be overcome by the monitor. This is determined by how much data can be in the process, and in addition the fast how much these monitors are able to process high resolution.

# Refresh rate: How much time unity seconds the screen can be in the "refresh". To avoid flicker, then the process must be at least 72 Hz refresh.

# Interlaced or noninterlaced: Interlacing is a technique that can be done by the monitor to have a higher resolution, but it can reduce the reaction rate on the monitor.

# Dot pitch: Number of spaces between pixels. The smaller the dot pitch, the more sharp color produced.

# Convergence: The clarity and sharpness will each pixel.

Source : Anneahira

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